Coexistence and Decision
Research group
Danilo Bandini Ribeiro

My main interest is to study biodiversity in natural environments, with emphasis on insects, and to use this knowledgement in Conservation Biology. In addition, I have studied endangered animals for understanding their distribution, population dynamics and threats and also for use them in Conservation Decision-making. I am a biologist with a PhD in Ecology and currently a professor in the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul.
Letícia Couto Garcia
I have interest in the application of scientific findings for decision-making. Particularly concerning biologic, socioeconomic, political, and legal aspects of environmental planning within the scope of Restoration Ecology. I believe that, on the scientific basis regarding biodiversity management, we can provide grounds for making decisions of several stakeholders, from landowners, who houses the biodiversity, to public authorities. My main research aim is to understand how ecological restoration and conservation biology can be improved based on scientific data available. Currently I’m Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul.

Francisco Valente-Neto

I’m interested in understanding how ecological communities are structured in space as well as how they could be used to detect environmental changes. I am PhD in Ecology and Conservation and my research focuses on understanding the processes responsible for structuring aquatic metacommunities along a riverine network.
Elaine Cristina Corrêa

I am interested in aquatic ecology, entomology, and bio-monitoring of human impacts on watersheds. I have used data from long-term field experiments to determine the effects of environmental changes on biological integrity, focusing on aquatic and terrestrial macroinvertebrates.
Ph.D students
I'm interested in ecology, particularly the ecology of food webs and mutualistic and antagonistic symbiotic interactions in freshwater environments, and its relation to the hypotheses of landscape thresholds.
My experience includes studies of the herpetofauna, terrestrial mammals and Private Reserves in Mato Grosso do Sul. I am currently a doctoral student at the Ecology and Conservation Program UFMS in partnership with the Université Angers (France) and my project try to answer as the loss of habitat affects the community structure and network robustness in networks of interaction of non-volant mammals herbivores on a landscape scale in Bodoquena Plateau.

Cyntia Cavalcante Santos
Clarissa de Araújo Martins

My main interest is to use a phylogenetic approach to understand how ecological and evolutionary processes shape the assembly of biological communities at different spatial and temporal scales.
Isabel Melo Vasquez
I am interested in forest and nature conservation from two perspectives: landscape ecology and sociopolitical aspects of conservation. I hold a MSc in Forest and Nature Conservation from Wageningen University, The Netherlands. My research experience includes working with environmental discourses of climate change, biodiversity conservation, and Amazonian Darks Earths, as well as working with endangered bird species and participatory forest management and conservation.

Adriano Nobre Arcos

My training began in Manaus with activities aimed at limnology and medical entomology, evaluating the quality of water resources in the region and seeking to identify relationships of environmental parameters with the presence of larval Culicidae in breeding sites in the Amazon. Currently, I am interested in understanding how the loss of native vegetation can influence the network of mosquito interactions with man and domestic animals and the effects of predation risk on the rate of mosquito oviposition
Ana Cláudia Piovezan Borges
I'm interested in ecology and in the use of biomarkers in environmental studies. I develop a project using oxidative stress biomarkers to evaluate how species of mosquito vectors of infectious diseases behave in relation to climatic changes.

Master degree students
Giovane Lima Vilhanueva

I have interest in subjects about conservation, restauration of degraded areas and ladscape ecology. I’m working with the analysis of landscape of the waterfalls in the Mato Grosso do Sul state. Although I’m not working with a specific group of organisms, I love to practice bird watching.
Davidson Gomes Nogueira

I am a biologist from UFMS and currently studying at Ecology and Conservation UFMS program. I am interested in ecology, especially in aquatic communities and how these relate to their habitat and how they respond to environmental, temporal and anthropogenic changes. Lately I have been working with benthic macroinvertebrates , although it is not my only focus.
Coadvisers, former students and colleagues
Carolina Ferraz Bellodi

I'm interested in entomology and evolution, especially in biology and taxonomy of aquatic insects
Mirian Silveria de Souza
I am interested in understanding how biological communities respond forensic interest in space. I am currently a doctoral student in Entomology and my focus is to understand how environmental and spatial factors act on insect communities and what implications for forensic science.

Larissa Sayuri Moreira Sugai

My background is on understanding how communities are structured according to habitat features. Currently, my fundamental interest is to understand ecological processes in the landscape scale. I am developing my PhD project in this research line, where the main focus is to understand the dynamics and structure of acoustic communities.
Raul Costa Pereira
I am a PhD student in Ecology and Biodiversity at the São Paulo State University, Brazil. My background includes mainly animal ecology and behavior and the conservation of ecological interactions. In my PhD, I am seeking to understand the role of interindividual ecological variation in species coexistence. Furthermore, I'm interested in understanding the eco-evolutionary dynamics of fish-fruit interactions in neotropical flooded forests.

Fernanda Angulo de Camargo Delben
Degree in biology. I am interested in conservation biology and the causes of the reduction of the individuals and species in our habitats. I like field work; I did volunteer work in conservation in South Africa, working mainly with cheetahs, wild dogs and vultures. Currently I am studying to enter on the Masters Degree.

Undergraduate students
Larisse Costa

I am a graduate student of Biological Sciences at the Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul. I got a scientific initiation scholarship from (CNPq). My project is focused on the respones of Odonata species used as bioindicators of wetlands areas, associated with the structure and composition of surrounded landscapes.
Débora Quadros Moreira

I'm Debora Quadros Moreira, undergraduate student of Biological Sciences at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS). I'm interested in the area of Ecology and currently help the Doctoral Student Elaine Cristina Correa with the work of aquatic invertebrates.
Anny de Moraes Costa

I'm academic of Life Biological Sciences, attending the 7th semester at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS). My interest in the study is in Conservation Ecology and right now I'm working with small Wetlands data collection on the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, excluding this survey the Pantanal.
Andresa Kreutzer Brito
I am a graduate of the Biological Sciences course at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul - UFMS. I am interested in ecology of conservation and management of wetlands. I am currently on a project to study the food preference and territorial defensive behaviour of fish, turtles and frugivorous decapods in streams in the Bodoquena region. I love diving and the underwater world fascinates me.

Prof. Fabio de Oliveira Roque

Associated Professor level 2, UFMS, Campo Grande, MS, Brazil
I am interested in biodiversity, particularly questions about the organization of communities and coexistence of species. Originally my animal model was aquatic macroinvertebrates (mainly chironomids), but now our lab team have expanded our focus to other groups. Besides basic questions involving community patterns and underlying processes and mechanisms, our team are interested in applied ecology, in other words, we are trying to connect our researches with biodiversity management and other applied issues (forensic entomology, bioindicatores, conservation strategies, and so on…).
Jose Manuel Ochoa-Quintero
Biologist from the Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia) with a Master degree in Tropical Ecology from the University of Amsterdam (Netherlands) and a PhD in Zoology from Cambridge University (United Kingdom). I have got experience working in different fields of biology but mostly in studies of birds and mammals. Currently I am interested in subjects as conservation biology including aspects as biological consequences of climate change, resilience in human modified landscapes, biodiversity threats assessments and land use planning. I have got experience in those subjects working in academic environments and NGO`s in Colombia, Netherlands, United Kingdom and Brazil. During my PhD I worked on the identification of deforestation drivers, biological consequences of forest loss and thresholds of species loss in the Amazon basin. I am open to any possibility of collaborations with researchers working in those or similar subjects.

Reinaldo F. F. Lourival

Currently holds a Post Doc at UFMS and Adjunct Fellow position at University of Queensland – UQ. Areas of research interest are protected area Planning and Implementation, and the interface between humans and wildlife in Biosphere Reserves. Works in the Conservation for almost 30 years, has focused his PhD on Conservation Planning for dynamic landscapes, he helped to develop the systematic conservation planning software, Marxan.
Marciel Elio Rodrigues
My background and interests are related to entomology, ecology and taxonomy mainly focused on Odonata. I currently develop research on thresholds and changes in the ladscapes around of aquatic environments. I also have interests related to human impacts and conservation of aquatic environments.

Ricardo Koroiva
I'm interested in ecology and evolution, especially in phylogeography, speciation mechanisms and molecular systematics. My current studies aim to evaluate how biogeographic factors have affected the population genetics of insects. I am a former Hurling player (I'm kidding) and a XV de Piracicaba supporter.

Maurício Stefanes

I have worked mainly with geotechnologies (mainly geographic information systems and orbital remote sensing) to management and environmental monitoring (for decision making). Recently my research is to understand the ecological relationships in the context of ecological landscape through geographic information systems and environmental modeling.
Suzana Cunha Escarpinati
I'm interested in ecology and evolution, especially in mechanisms generating diversification. In my PhD, I tried to understand how river act as barrier for the diversification of cave fauna. I am also interested in studies involving aquatic insects, particularly those related to the biomonitoring.

Helen Liepkan Maranhão

Academic of the 8th semester of Biological Sciences at UFMS. I'm interested in the areas of conservation and management of threatened species, ans currently I work with potential distribution of tatu-canastra. Exchange program in Environmental Management by Griffith University, Australia. Love photography.
Emanuelle Batista de Moura
Student in Biological Sciences at Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, currently participating in undergraduate research project,CNPq. I want to know how changes in the ladscapes around of wetlands environments can affect the Odonata diversity and how we can use this group as a tool for environmental monitoring this areas. I like to dance, music and all kinds of art.

Carolina Pauliquevis

Currently, I aim to quantify the cultural ecosystem services provided by biodiversity. I am interested in understanding processes that can bring people closer to biodiversity, so that there is an understanding of the ecosystem services provided by nature, seeking ways to enable the conservation of species.
Fabio Padilha Bolzan
Forestry Engineer, enthusiastic about geoprocessing linked to landscape ecology and nature conservation. My main interest is to develop an interface that permeates the dialogue between theoretical ecology, people's well being and environmental policies.